
Overconfident Owner Of New MINI JCW GP Crashes Spectacularly On The Day Of Delivery


A MINI John Cooper Works GP has been wrecked after its overconfident owner rolled it in his backyard.

The MINI in question is owned by YouTuber Pog who, as far as we can tell, owns a nice collection of exotics including a Ferrari 812 Superfast, Lamborghini Aventador, and McLaren 675LT. He recently took delivery of the JCW GP in his garden and because of lockdown orders, was not allowed to take it out onto the street. However, that didn’t dissuade him from trying to put it through its paces.

In fact, the YouTuber established a bit of a race track around the outside of his house, sliding the British hot hatch around his garden. While we’re sure it was heaps of fun driving the MINI on the grass, it was ultimately a pretty poor decision.

Read Also: 2020 MINI John Cooper Works GP Is The Most British Of Hot Hatches

As the YouTuber continued to lap the makeshift circuit while trying to set the quickest time possible, he slowly started to dig up his garden and while doing a handbrake turn around a right-hander, the driver’s side wheels dug into the grass, flipping the hatch on its roof before it slammed back onto the grass.

Fortunately, the driver emerged out of the MINI without any injuries. The car itself was not so lucky and clearly cannot be repaired. Both sides of the small hatch have been severely damaged while part of the roof has also caved in. The windshield has also been smashed and the hood dented. All up, the car had traveled just 23 miles (38 km) on the clock before its life was cut short.

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